
Vuissens 4.3/ 5 (8)

Vuissens , Suisse - Switzerland

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Vuissens represents in more ways than one the perfect integration of a golf course in a protected site. In a small valley, from where the visual perspectives are admirable over a large part of the course, the architect Jeremy Pern has been able to highlight the particular configuration of the place, its typical vegetation, and, above all, the Petite-Glâne, the river that regularly appears at the bend of a hole. Thanks to the creation of the course, this small watercourse, formerly condemned to follow its course in buried pipes, was able to once again occupy a setting that highlights it, in particular thanks to the creation of around twenty small lakes and biotopes. Alternating magnificent viewpoints and technical challenges, the Vuissens course promises a total change of scenery. Accessible to both experienced players looking for a challenge and beginners looking for something new, Vuissens offers everything a golfer could desire, and this, in the immediate vicinity of major urban sites.

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